
Year 8


Year 9 is an important year for our students. Having completed their first two years in secondary education, year 9 is the year where students will begin to take ownership over their own education. This is all leading to the crucial moment where learners choose their GCSE options. It is essential learners build on the success and foundations laid in years 7 and 8 to push forward in their learning and prepare them for the progression to key stage 4.

As a team our ATL, YCT, form tutors and teachers are dedicated to providing support and encouragement to help them make the right choices for their future.

As Achievement Team Leader, I am responsible for learning and achievement of the year group. Our Year Care Team member, Mrs Cosens, is responsible for student welfare and is available to help students and parents with any concerns they may have. Every student will also be supported by a form tutor who has an overview of their learning and will be able to offer advice and guidance on a day to day basis. Furthermore, we are supported in our work by our SEN team. A positive relationship between school and home is integral to the success of all students, hence it is important that parents and carers feel free to contact the school and speak to myself, Mrs Cosens or your child’s form tutor regarding any concerns. Both Mrs Cosens and myself regularly visit lessons across all subjects to see learning as it happens and are always impressed by what we see.

Students are rewarded for reaching high standards in both achievement and behaviour in lessons through letters home, certificates and awards. Students are also sanctioned when they do not meet our high expectations, and we very much appreciate your support in these matters should they arise.

As always, our expectations are high for the year group as we never underestimate what our students are capable of. Every one of our students are valued and appreciate the benefits of being in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing. We aim to challenge our students both at school and with home learning in order to continue to build on and raise attainment.

We look forward to the next academic year secure in the knowledge that our students are capable, inspirational and dedicated to learning.

Mrs L Brooks
Achievement Team Leader