
Curriculum Overview

At Tabor Academy we want our students to achieve the best they can, and our curriculum has a traditional framework whilst also enabling students to develop the skills they will need to be successful in the twenty-first century. Students experience a broad and varied curriculum, enabling them to pursue courses which interest and motivate them.

Throughout their time at Tabor Academy all students will study the core subjects of English, Maths, Science and Religious Studies, going on to complete GCSE qualifications in these. They will also study PE, and PSCHE. During Key Stage Three, students study the Humanities, Languages, Technology, Music, Art, Drama and Computing before taking their options during the Spring term of Year 9. At this point, a wider choice of subjects is on offer; prior to taking their options, all students receive detailed guidance and an information evening is held for parents, carers and students.

The school is working closely with the Loxford Schools Trust and its Lead Practitioners to ensure that all lessons are innovative, challenging and engaging, enabling students to make rapid progress across all subject areas.

We recognise that learning is not limited to specific subjects, but that students also need to develop a wide range of skills such as problem-solving, teamwork and communication to be successful in the twenty-first century, and lessons are designed to enable them to develop these skills. Students are also given the opportunity to demonstrate and develop skills outside of lessons through programmes such as the Year 8 Ambassador programme, which all students have the opportunity to participate in, as well as the Monitor and Prefect programmes for older year groups.

KS3 Curriculum

  • Art
  • Computer Science
  • Drama
  • English
  • Geography
  • History
  • Mathematics
  • Modern Foreign Languages (Spanish/French/German)
  • Music
  • Physical Education
  • Religious Studies
  • Science
  • Technology

KS4 Curriculum

All pupils follow courses in the core subjects:

  • Design Technology (Resistant Materials, Textiles or Graphics)
  • English Language
  • English Literature
  • Mathematics
  • MFL (French or Spanish)
  • Science (Double Science or Triple Science)
  • Religious Studies
  • Core PE (non-examined)
  • PSCHE (non-examined; delivered in form time)

Pupils select 1 Humanity (Geography or History)

Then select 2 of the following option subjects:

  • Art
  • Business Studies
  • Food Preparation and Nutrition
  • Computer Studies
  • Dance
  • Design and Technology
  • Drama
  • Geography
  • History
  • Media Studies
  • Music
  • Photography
  • Physical Education
  • Sociology
  • Triple Science (Biology, Chemistry and Physics)

If you would like any further information about the curriculum, please contact the main school office.