
Our School

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The school started life in the early part of the twentieth century on Panfield Lane.

Nominally co-educational, girls and boys were separated; the school effectively was split into two parts.

Later with the introduction of the 1944 Education Act the school opened as a newly established secondary modern school and eventually became a fully coeducational school. It was eventually renamed the Margaret Tabor Secondary Modern School. The Tabor part of the name derived from the then local and prominent Tabor family who were major woollen merchants in the 16th century. The family shield was used as the badge of the school, and can still be seen today decorating Bocking bridge near the Old Convent, and on many old buildings in Braintree and Bocking. In September 1971 with the introduction of comprehensive education, the school was merged with the local grammar school to form The Tabor High School.

The school replaced the Tabor High School as the secondary school for west Braintree and surrounding villages and the old Senior section site was knocked down in 2004.

In 2007 it had science speciality status and was branded as Tabor Science College. In 2015 Tabor joined the Loxford school Trust.

The school operates a three-year, Key Stage 3 where all the core National Curriculum subjects are taught. Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9 study core subjects: English, Mathematics, Science. The following foundation subjects are offered: Art, Technology, Computing, Drama, RE, French, Spanish, Geography and History, Music and PE.

In Years 10 and 11, that is in Key Stage 4, students study a core of English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Science: Combined Trilogy or Triple, PSCHE (which is covered in form time), RE and Physical Education. Pupils select options from a chosen from a pool of French, Spanish, History, Geography, Art, Business Studies, Food Preparation and Nutrition, Computer Studies, Dance, Design and Technology, Drama, Geography, History, Media Studies, Music, Photography, Physical Education, Sociology, Triple Science (Biology, Chemistry and Physics).

Our extensive sporting facilities are open to the local community and sports clubs throughout the week, all year round. As well as the sports facilities, other facilities in the school are also available for adult learning and community use.

  • Dedicated sixth form study areas.
  • Full sports centre including; floodlit 4G astro turf, floodlit Netball courts, full size Floodlit Athletics track, Grass Football and Rugby Pitches, Studio, Full size Sports hall and Fitness Suite.
  • Drama and Music centre.
  • Dedicated SEND area
  • Specialist Art/Photography suites
  • Specialist classrooms including 8 Science Laboratories

Aerial Footage Tabor Academy