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We are delighted to welcome you to the Tabor Academy website.

As part of the Loxford School Trust, we are able to work within a hub of schools, led by Loxford School, an Outstanding school, thus ensuring that our staff are able to deliver the highest educational standards. This enables us to stay ahead of an ever-evolving education system and a constantly changing society. The Trust strongly believes in developing students, so that they are able to achieve their potential both academically and as members of our community.

We work on the traditional values of respect, discipline and responsibility to prepare our students for the challenges of examinations, social interactions and the world of work. We want all of our students to find their passion and have the tools to pursue their dreams.

We feel extremely honoured and privileged to have been chosen to continue and build upon the success of the school. Having worked at Tabor Academy for a number of years we feel that we have built strong relationships with children, staff, parents/guardians, and Academy Committee Members and understand what is needed to take the school forward in this new era of education.

Our vision is simple,to ensure that the needs of all our children are met in all areas of school life and that each child is given a wealth of experience and opportunities. This in turn, will guarantee they leave Tabor Academy at the end of Year 13, feeling extremely confident, responsible and competent members of society, ready for their life journey.”

Students are at the centre of everything we do and we aim to give all the necessary foundations for success by helping students develop the skills and attributes that will provide them with real life-chances. Students are expected to work hard and to achieve their individual best academically, to develop skills relevant to the 21st Century and to develop the self-confidence and sense of purpose necessary for success in a highly competitive global society.

Tabor Academy will provide a safe, yet challenging environment where students can succeed and excel.
We will develop a strong pastoral system and curriculum to allow us to ensure that our students are happy, safe and challenged in all they do at school.

Tabor Academy is an inclusive school and we pride ourselves on the fact that we are a family. We will work closely with our parents and our community in order to achieve the best for all in our school.


  • Achieve exam success for all – we want our pupils to have as many choices as possible, with a strong foundation of GCSEs.
  • Ensure that every child leaves our school knowing themselves as an individual, as a member of a team and as a citizen.
  • Create a culture of learning for life.
  • Provide the skills needed for self-management, resilience and self-worth.
  • Give opportunities and experiences outside of the classroom to enrich our pupils.

As key educators in your children's lives, we feel that it is important that you feel you have a voice and that as a school we are approachable and allocate time to listen to your concerns, worries or thoughts about the school. We will be holding termly coffee mornings, in which, parents/guardians can chat to us both and the senior leadership team to express opinions on what the school is doing well and/or any areas that may need addressing.

You can be assured that as Acting Co-Headteachers we will strive to create the best education for your child/children whilst they are members of our school family.

We look forward to watching your children grow in confidence, knowledge and understanding during their time at Tabor Academy and will thank you in advance for the support we know you will give all members of our school community, in the years to come.

Please feel free to contact us at any time. To make an appointment, please speak to the office staff.


Ms K. Brown

Mr G. Forster

Co-Headteachers at Tabor Academy